6 Frequently Asked Questions About Family Mediation Service

· Law

Your marriage or relationship is looking that it may be ending. You know you are going to have to get an agreement that will deal with the kids, the money, and the house? Many believe that the first answer is Litigation. Lawyer up and find out what you are “entitled” to. Litigating may be a difficult, financially exhausting, and emotionally painful experience.

Once a marriage fails, there is often a lot of hatred, rage, and frustration, with the emphasis on hurting the other side rather than seeking a fair conclusion. Family and Financial Mediation may be the right answer. Consulting with a family mediator with a background in finances is a wise option if you would like to prevent these problems and you are actively seeking a settlement.

How Does Family Mediation Function?

Family Mediation London is a voluntary process wherein a mediator assists the parties in co-creating an agreement. By facilitating conversation on all items and topics that the family may have problems with.  This process is intended to de-escalate hostility and resentment that the parties may have and focus on moving forward. 

Is It Necessary for a Mediator to Be a Lawyer?

No, that is not true. Mediators are highly skilled individuals who are not always lawyers. Although some licensed mediators are lawyers, always interview the mediator to establish their knowledge on the major aspects of importance. If you have complicated finances, consider getting a mediator who is also a Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist.

What Are the Roles of Family Mediators?

Family mediators assist families in resolving conflicts related to marriage, divorce, childcare plans & support, financial division and distribution, and more.

What is the Process of Mediation?

The mediator will first asses each partner’s point of view and will acquire all necessary documents. Once the mediator has screened each partner, they will assist both partners in sharing what is essential to them and hearing what is beneficial to the other side in a confidential context.

How Long do Mediation Process Takes?

Mediation sessions typically will last for about 3 hours, although this is entirely up to the mediator's judgment and how well the parties are progressing. Further meetings may be organized if there are still topics to address. 

Is Mediation a Private Matter?

Yes. Mediation is confidential and typically will not be used in court and become public knowledge. The Mediation agreement outlines the process along with the privacy policy. Unless there is an indication of harm to others the mediator will maintain all information disclosed private and confidential. 

If you believe that mediation could be beneficial in your family situation, you should reach out to ossko for a free 30 min consultation.